
In case of emergency – adminster shots

Posted in Parties,Travel by bonniewilliams2000 on January 3, 2010
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To ring in 2010, Chris and I decided to head out to Utah to visit our friends Sara and Eric. They ended up with a full house of friends, a perfect way to celebrate the new year. Chris and I were the first to book our flights so that scored us first pics of the rooms and of course we picked the “suite” with the mini bar stocked with our favorite beer. Sandra, Shaun, and Meredith all had the other rooms in the basement and Chathen and Zoya had the upstairs room.

Unfortunately, the trip started out a little bumpy as we missed baggage check in for our flight by 4 minutes. But we managed to get on another flight and headed out to the wild west. Eric picked us up at the airport and we headed up the mountain to their house to kick off a night of games. The night kicked off with a game of  Operation, how funny that this became the theme of the week…

Not the funny bone!

The next morning we headed out to Park City. Chris and I had signed up for a “Never Ever” snowboarding lesson. Originally, I thought this meant you’d never ever been on a snowboard before, but after our day on the slopes it’s taken on a whole new meaning. We geared up and headed out to the slopes to meet our instructor. We learned the basics and then hopped onto the ski lift for a short ride to the top of the bunny slope.  And down the mountain we all went. Chris was doing really well, he seemed to be a natural; I on the other hand was a wobbly mess. But we both made it down the mountain slowly.

Taking a break on the slope

We went up for our second run of the day. This time we were going to learn how to turn. When it came time for me to try it I did great then lost my balance and fell down the mountain and that’s when I heard it. “Crunch.” and I thought to myself “oh no”.  Unable to move my hand I called over to the instructor and he told me to walk down the mountain to the ER. Not only was I in pain, but I was totally mortified that I had to walk down the bunny slope.

Inside the ER, I  was overwhelmed by what was going on. There was a man on a gurney who was getting ready to be airlifted out. He was in bad condition, with tubes and bags and his shirt cut off.  As it turns out it was Olympic snowboard contender Kevin Pearce.  It definitely put my injury in perspective seeing someone in such critical condition.  As it turns out I had broken my wrist, which was not a surprise to the doctors. They said they treat about 800 broken wrists a year from snowboarders. As I was being treated I kept trying to point out the t-shirt I had worn that morning to the doctors which said, “In case of emergency, administer shots.” One of the doctor said, “sorry that’s not the type of shot you’re going to be getting today”

Broken wrist 😦

Doing the Robot

No more snowboarding today

The next few days were a bit of a blur for me, but I’m thankful for such wonderful friends and fiance who took care of me blow drying my hair, feeding me, and pinching my really blue fingers. Luckily everyone else got to participate in some fun winter activities, new years eve party, snowshoeing, and hitting the bars in Park City. Then after another group was returning from some more skiing and snowboarding, we hear Eric yell out “we’ve got another one” and we couldn’t believe it when we saw him with his dislocated shoulder!

Eric and Bonnie

And wouldn’t you know, Chris came down with a terrible case of altitude sickness the last few days of the trip too. What a crazy week. But we did manage to end the trip on the bright side with Sunday Brunch at Sundance. Yummy!

Bonnie, Sara, Meredith, Sandra

So this year I’m toasting to a do-over! Although maybe our next trip out there should be in the summer…

Life Elevated

Posted in Travel by bonniewilliams2000 on November 28, 2008
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Last weekend Sandra and I headed out West to see Sara and Eric and meet Alli for the first time. The mountains were beautiful and Sara wasn’t joking when she said they lived on top of a mountain – what a view!  We hit up the hot spots– Park City, Sundance, and even managed to squeeze in a matinee.  Alli was too cute for words although I think she was only awake for a few hours the entire time we were out there.  Alli and I bonded over a bottle one morning, but I strategically avoided all diaper changing opportunities…

Sundance Brunch

Sundance Brunch

Alli & Me

Alli & Me